Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What's next ?

I probably don't have to put you up on what the world is facing this year. It seems like everything we know to be true is being challenged and our reaction naturally is fear. We have never faced anything like this in our lifetime. All of the institutions we are suppose to trust have failed us. Greed and corruption have held our economy hostage and the perpetrators our suffering along with the victims. Our government has been generous enough to give 20-40% of our income to keep the major antagonists with enough money to throw Super Bowl parties and give executive bonuses .

I don't want to sound bitter, thats not the case at all. I understand the roller coaster because I'm strapped in the seat right beside you. My future is just as much at stake as anyone else's. I mean we our a part of the same world. And frankly I feel we our in the best of times as well as the worst.

The world is searching in a way that only happens out of discontent. Discontent is the father of change and innovation so I say ...what's next

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